Oct 18, 2007

Las Vegas, Nevada

It was a considerable shock to go from Zion National Park and Valley of Fire State Park to the man-made canyons of Las Vegas. Fortunately, this shock was cushioned by the enjoyment of being able to spend several days with Jo’s mom and older brother, Bill. Jo’s success hitting the jackpot on the slots more than offset David’s losses playing on the poker slot machines. It was a wonderful surprise to find out that Jo's mom's sister, Aunt Esther was visiting Las Vegas with her friend, John. A nice (almost) birthday celebration for Jo.

At the end of our three days in Las Vegas, we made solemn vows to do lots of hiking in the next several weeks to work off all of those extra portions of mashed potatoes and deserts that we indulged in the various buffet lunches and dinners we took advantage of in Las Vegas. Hopefully the pictures from Las Vegas don’t show how badly we lost the battle of the bulge in this return to “civilization”. Our stay in Las Vegas was extended by one day when high wind warnings made it inadvisable to leave as planned on Sunday morning. This demonstrated one of the beauties of retirement – there was no schedule to keep and no problem simply deciding to stay an extra day when the weather was not accommodating. This extra day also gave us a chance to spend more time with Jo’s mom and brother which was an extra treat which Jo took advantage of by making us pose repeatedly for many more pictures.

1 comment:

larry kennard said...


Remember " always bet on black". Good luck to both of you in Vegas.

Thanks for sharing your adventures with us on your blog. I especially like the great pictures you both have taken.

Enjoy your travels and each other.


Larry Kennard