Sep 2, 2007

Scenic Drive Through the Black Hills

After taking the “day off” on Saturday to do projects around the RV, we spent Sunday taking a scenic drive northward through the beautiful Black Hills. The highlight of the trip was a drive through Spear Fish Canyon, a beautiful, narrow canyon with high rock walls cut through over the years by little Spear Fish Creek. On the southern portions of the creek, which flowed briskly right alongside the road we were traveling on, we could see fisherman standing at various points in the creek fly fishing. We passed through the town of Deadwood where Wild Bill Hickok was murdered while playing cards so many years ago. For reasons that escape us, the good citizens of Deadwood have decided to turn their town into a mecca for gaming casinos, so we wasted little time in passing through the town on our way to Spear Fish Canyon. The biggest surprise on this trip was our visit to Sturgis, the site of a massive annual rally of motorcyclists in early August each year. We expected to see some remnants of this massive annual gathering of motorcycles as we had heard that many of the motorcyclists stay around for awhile after the annual rally. However, the town of Sturgis was dead –even the stores trying to unload their surplus T shirts from the rally were closed. We actually saw far more motorcyclists when we passed through the pretty little town of Hill City on our way back to our campground in Custer. While Sturgis and Deadwood were disappointments, the beauty of the Black Hills and particularly Spearfish Canyon, left us feeling quite pleased with our day’s adventure.

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