Aug 26, 2007

Good Routine

We've developed a good routine for living on the road......................

David Drives.........
To date at least, David does all of the driving when we are towing the RV and handles the outside chores when we are setting up at a new campsite and when we are preparing to leave. This includes emptying all of the waste holding tanks before we hook up and head out on the road, although he is lobbying hard to share this “pleasant” task with Jo. He is also pretty much responsible for all of other maintenance work, although he is again creatively looking for opportunities to share these fun tasks with Jo.

Jo Navigates, takes pictures and plays on the computer.......
While David is busily monitoring traffic and checking all of his gauges while we are traveling down the highway, Jo loves to put her feet up on the dash and surf the internet, exclaiming about how great it is to be able to send and receive emails and instant messages way out in the middle of nowhere. Her internet surfing in frequently interrupted, however, when she dashes for her camera to capture all of the wonderful sites we come across during our journeys. To balance the scale, however, Jo has assumed responsibility for all of the navigating and trip planning, including checking for low clearances (we really don’t want to drive a 13’ 6” RV under a 12’ bridge clearance). In addition, except on those occasions when David is barbequing, Jo takes on the responsibility for cooking all those delicious meals we enjoy on the road. It is not clear whether her eagerness to do all of the cooking is motivated by the fact that David cannot even boil water or in keeping up David’s energy levels!!!!!

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