Jul 9, 2007

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

On our way back to Virginia after the Kikel Family Reunion, we stopped off at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which straddles the border between North Carolina and Tennessee. We stayed at a campground on the Cherokee Reservation just outside the park and did a couple of great (and exhausting) hikes, including one up to a wonderful little waterfall back up in the hills. The mountains were full of beautiful rhododendrums in bloom, and Wild Camera Lady (AKA Jo) couldn't resist snapping pictures constantly. Of course, she may have been using the picture taking as an excuse for us to rest frequently as we hiked up the mountain--we are not yet in shape for the hiking we will be doing when we get out west!!!

On one of our walks up to an observation platform on one mountain peak, we crossed the Appalachian Trail--see Jo standing next to the sign. Too bad we didn't have time to hike the trail--as it went up and down the mountain peaks dividing Tennessee from North Carolina!!!!

On one drive along a nature trail, we were puzzled when several cars in front of us all stopped, and people started pointing into the woods. I thought I saw a bear in the woods and encouraged Jo to get out of the truck and see if she could get a picture. She initially thought that was a nutty idea, but she eventually went along after several other people in the cars ahead did the same thing. There was indeed a black bear walking thru the woods along the road, and Jo got some great shots, like the one below.

At one point, Jo was thrilled when the bear started turning toward her--she thought he was being very cooperative so that she could get a better shot. Then she suddenly realized he was walking right at her, and she got a bit nervous. Fortunately for all concerned, the bear turned away just as Jo headed for the truck. I guess he figured that the grubs he started digging up under a rock were an easier prospect than trying to have Jo for dinner!!!!!!!!

To see more pictures of our visit to Great Smoky Mountains National Park click on this link:


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